ReThinking Animals Summit FAQs
What is the Rethinking Animals Summit?
The Rethinking Animals Summit aims to challenge and motivate the public to reimagine their relationship to other species. It will be a diverse gathering of global experts in research, conservation and humane treatment of animals conversing with leaders in business, government, media, education, theology and the arts to challenge current understanding of animals and their environments.
When is the Summit?
The Summit will take place the first weekend of May 2017.
Where are the Summit lectures taking place?
The Summit will take place in New York City at the National Academy of Medicine located at 1216 5th Avenue. A dinner will be held that Saturday night at the Explorer’s Club located at 46 E 70th St.
What are the parking options?
A 24 hour garage, Quik Park, at E 102nd street between 2nd and 1st avenues.
What will the lectures entail?
We will have experts in the field speaking on topics related to health, global security, the economy, global citizenship, the environment, sustainable business and biodesign.
How much does the Summit Cost?
The event is $65 per day, or $100 for the weekend. At the door, tickets will be $75. Tickets can be purchased prior to April 1 for $55 per day and $80 for the weekend. Tickets for the Explorer’s Club are $250.
Do you offer discounts or scholarships for students?
Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to provide a student discount.
How do I purchase tickets?
Tickets may be purchased on our Summit page under the “Buy a ticket” link, which will redirect to Eventbrite.
Is the venue wheelchair accessible?
Will the meal provided Saturday night be vegan? All meals are vegan.
Yes, from one of the best vegan restaurants in New York, Blossom.
How can I stay connected with Thinking Animals United leading up to the Summit?
We have many social media platforms to keep you engaged prior to/during the event:
Facebook: Thinking Animals United
Twitter: ReThinking Animals
Linkedin: Thinking Animals United
Instagram: thinkinganimalsunited
Feel free to contact us directly with any other questions: