Carbon Footprint Pop Quiz
1. What industry ranks as the second largest industrial polluter on the planet?A. Factory farmingB. AutomobilesC. ApparelD. Energy production 2. It takes 5000 gallons

Cheers for Beer
First the facts and stats: globally thirty-percent of all food—with bread a leading offender due to its short shelf life—is wasted, amounting to 1.3 billion

Shedding Light on Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in Latin America
Thinking Animals United (TAU)—an educational and communications organization whose purpose is to galvanize worldwide support for the care, protection, and conservation of animals—has partnered with

Citizen Science Projects for Wildlife Lovers
You can contribute to global research and conservation efforts in as little as 30 minutes By Maria Ter-Mikaelian, Ph.D. Did you ever dream about

Thinking Livestock
There is more to farm animals than meets the eye. Photo: Tim Green / Flickr, source. By Maria Ter-Mikaelian, Ph.D. My two-year-old son is fascinated

Infidelity in Nature: A Lion’s Story
By Devin Zingsheim When people think of mating, especially in the case of humans, they often think of one man marrying and mating with a

Do Rats Laugh?
By Megan McGrath Even before human babies can speak, they will giggle when tickled. Jaak Panksepp, a neuroscientist of emotion at Washington State University, noted “if

Transmissions from the ‘Singing Planet’
By Megan McGrath Take a moment to think about the ways you communicate every day. Maybe you called your friend up for a chat on

How much thought do you give to the lowly chicken?
By Megan McGrath Probably not much, besides as a pale cellophane-wrapped piece of meat to be slipped into the frying pan for dinner (or to

Sharing Emotional Worlds
By Megan McGrath Do animals have emotions? The answer, from three leading animal scientists: Absolutely, of course, yes, animals do indeed feel pain, pleasure, and