and share the same natural right as
humans to inhabit this planet.
the interconnection and embrace the intrinsic
value of all animals to a sustainable future
with all other species,
treat them with respect,
and protect them from
human-generated threats
to their survival and well-being.
Our vision is a world where we acknowledge the interconnection and embrace
the intrinsic value of all animals to a sustainable future
Our mission is to promote an understanding of the vital role that animals play
in our well-being and in the viability of the natural world
The Rethinking Animals Summit brought together a diverse group of experts from around the world to discuss global biodiversity loss through the lens of the human and environmental impact of our treatment of other species. The Summit looked at the consequences to human health, global security, world financial systems, environmental sustainability, and individual well-being. In addition, the Summit spotlighted people and organizations trying to mitigate this impact.
The nature of our relationship with other species has enormous and quantifiable impacts on our health, on the environment, global security, our economies, and the viability of the world that our children will inherit. Furthermore, the nature of our relationships to other species and their environments have qualitative moral, ethical and psychological implications for us as a civil society and as individuals. We cannot afford to ignore the need to change our perceptions of the importance of other species in our lives, nor the need to reconsider the nature of our dominion over theirs.
The care, protection, and conservation of animals world-wide touches all 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals, and if the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to be successful, it is imperative that other species be considered in its implementation.
We need to ensure that other species and their habitats are integral to every decision we make about the planet.
Lecture Series
See videos and learn about the amazing world of animal thinking, emotions, and behavior from world-renowned scientists.
Interviews with, and Blogs by Conservationists, Scientists, Animal Advocates, and Innovators.
1. What industry ranks as the second largest industrial polluter on the planet?
A. Factory farming
B. Automobiles
C. Apparel
D. Energy production
Philip Lymbery, CEO of Compassion in World Farming, an award winning author, ornithologist, photographer, naturalist, and animal advocate talks in our Wild Voices interview about the global effects of industrial farming.
We believe animals are sentient beings who share the same natural right as humans to inhabit this planet.
Brachyteles hypoxanthus
In compiling this list, we looked at the IUCN’s Red List most critically endangered species in the world (the top 4 of 9 criteria) and cross-referenced these species with the CITES Appendix I (of III) of the most trafficked mammals in the world. These distressing lists cover all species in all countries in the world. Amphibians and birds will soon be added.
In 2017, Bonnie Wyper from Thinking Animals United and David Kirschbaum from Peace International founded the Animal Issues Thematic Cluster (AITC) at the United Nations, and invited 35 other organizations to join with them to insure that the plight of animals world-wide, and their impact on human life and the environment was included in the UN’s Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030. The group has grown and is now offering a series of webinars hosted by Wolf Gordon Clifton of Animal People.
Do you know which animals are endangered in your US State? Or who to call if you see any illegal activities related to them?
We have put together, BY STATE, a list of places you can call if you see illegal activity involving wildlife in your state. We have also included a sample of some of the pages of the State of Virginia’s site so you can see some of the information that you can expect to see in your state, although each state is different in their presentation and information offered.
They deserve respect and to be protected from all human generated threats to their survival and well-being.